What is BIM?

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and is an interdisciplinary and interconnected way of working that makes planning, construction and operation more efficient and transparent. There is often talk of digital building information modeling.

The resulting project is a digital prototype; it is the only and unambiguous source of all information about the project. The project can be checked for the investor's wishes, building performance, costs, alternative versions and design errors before construction begins. All project participants use this central database and seamless communication method. Expensive corrections and consequent delays to the construction schedule can be avoided.

BIM offers in planning:

  • early decision making
  • fewer mistakes
  • better presentation of results
  • faster and more efficient processes
  • better coordination and communication between project participants
  • restrictive cost control
  • transparency of the project

Data maintenance during design

BIM allows you to simulate and estimate every aspect of a design change before construction begins. This contributes to the perception of the project in a much broader aspect.

BIM applications